Saturday, December 14, 2013

Five Years..Eight Months...Two Weeks...

This is definitely an interesting time in our family.  In two days, Brian will turn five.  And today we are honoring the eight month anniversary of Gavin's death...while simultaneously celebrating Hope's two week birthday.
I don't even know what to say tonight.  So I'll share my favorite photos of my favorite girl from her two week photo shoot.  It's a lot of photos because it was impossible to choose!!
With her "heartbeat bear" - Bella Bunny.  A recording of her actual heartbeat is inside!
The other day, I said to a friend, "I can't believe this is our life."
"Which part?" he asked.
"All of it..." I answered.
We could never have predicted any of this.  To lose Gavin so suddenly and then to discover we were carrying Hope so unexpectedly.  SO unexpectedly.  We could never have predicted the outpouring from people all over the world - people that have been inspired by our little boy who never spoke, but said so much.  We could never have predicted how we would get through it all - individually and as a family.  
But one thing I definitely predicted?  That we would live our lives and grieve our child in a way that would HONOR his life.  No other way felt right.  And so we do.  We live each day...with Hope.


  1. Just beautiful. I absolutely agree with the wonder that is life, any life. Up and down and round and round it goes and we need to appreciate it all, good, bad and ugly as it is fleeting. I love your posts and the pics of Hope and video of her newborn sweetness are just precious. Bless you all.
    Christie from Alberta

  2. Oh my gosh... the yawning... the falling over asleep... hilarious! Gosh, she seems like a mini-Brian in that video. :) Precious, precious times in your life right now. Thoughts and prayers as you're still missing Gavin too.

  3. What a beautiful little girl and what a beautiful family :)

  4. I love your family like you are my own. How I wish I could meet you one day!

  5. Hope is definitely the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!

  6. Kate, Hope is just beautiful. These are wonderful pictures. It is no wonder you couldn't chose just one of them. I wanted to take a moment to wish you luck and strength as you try to increase Hope's feed schedule. My first baby wanted to eat every 90 minutes. It was exhausting. She thrived, but it pushed my body to the limit. From one mom to another, I just wanted to acknowledge just how difficult what are need to do is and I wish you all the best.

    There is a quote that I just love. I don't know who to attribute it to, but is says..."Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain". Your family exemplifies this. Keep dancing Kate.

  7. Such a precious, little bundle of joy........I miss Gavin too and think of him daily! (sigh)

  8. She is absolutely stunning!!! I know you are proud, proud mommy :-)

  9. I love all the photos! My fave is the close up of Hope sleeping against the bunny. You honor your sweet boy by finding the joy in every day, as he did. Your family is beautiful. Kerry

  10. Beautiful, beautiful Hope! Hugs to you and your precious family as you celebrate Brian's Birthday and Hope's joyful arrival into your lives, and also as you continue honoring dear, sweet Gavin always & forever. Do not worry, we will never forget him and will also honor his life as we continue this journey with you, through your postings and your photos.

  11. Your daughter is so precious. That picture, with her sleeping on the bunny and her smiling... priceless. Your family is an inspiration, Kate. Through all of the heartache your family has endured, just to be rewarded with such a blessing. Amazing.

  12. They are just precious photos, she is the image of Brian in them. Best of luck with the increasing of the feeds I know what you are going through.hth
    Today I bought butterflies and have put them on my Christmas Tree to honour your darling little angel boy. Everytime I see them I think of him and offer a prayer for all he continues to do now, he may not have spoken a word but he does so much for people all over the world, nobody will ever know the extent of how far he has spread goodness.
    Merry Christmas from Ireland

  13. Praise God for His beautiful gift of Hope! Thank-you for sharing that hope with us.

    God Bless!

  14. (((((HUGS))))) She is so precious and my heart is yours. What an emotional journey for all of you.


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