Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Wise Man...

It's been a busy few days around here!!

Yesterday was such a special day.  It was Brian's very first Christmas Pageant at school!!  He was, quite fittingly, a Wise Man.  His entire class practiced very hard to recreate the story of the birth of baby Jesus and did a beautiful job!!  (Seriously - some of the acting was really good!)

After a night of about two hours sleep - my photography skills were very poor.  This is all I got...

Brian's good friend, Daniel, was one of the other Wise Men!
Brian walked down the center aisle to the manger scene right on cue.
Brian's been holding out on me!  Every day I asked him if he was learning any special songs...or if he had any lines in the show...and he never had an answer for me.  Yet the day of the show he was up there singing away - songs I've never heard before!  It was so adorable.  And they ended with "Away in a Manger" - my favorite Christmas song of all time.
Brian was so excited that Granny and Aunt Bean came to his Christmas Pageant!  Daddy had to work and was really sad to miss it.
The day ended with a "Happy Birthday Jesus" celebration with lots of yummy food - and Brian sat with his two good buddies, Daniel and Timmy.
In other news, Hope turned THREE WEEKS today!  We celebrated by getting her her very own WubbaNub binky holder!  If she's anything like her brothers, she'll love that green hospital binky for the next month or two before it's history.
Happy Three Weeks, Hope!  You truly have been the most incredible gift... to us - and to many others.
Today is Hope's first day wearing an "outfit!!"  I have always had her in sleepers.  But we're off to our family Christmas party this afternoon.  Hope will be meeting some Aunts, Uncles and cousins for the first time!!


  1. I read a post today about that pacifier....A mother found her baby with its finger stuck in the hole and it caused the tissue on the end of the finger to die.......PLEASE find another pacifier for your beautiful little Hope.....I'm a mom of 8 and the mini mam works great!!!!

  2. As to Brian holding out on telling you what he has been practicing-typical boy! Silly kid!
    Love you taking Hope's pic next to the bunny. It will be fun to watch her grow!

  3. I love her so much! I am so glad that Hope is here! Thank you for sharing her, Brian, and your family with all of us. I can't believe she's 3 weeks old!

  4. I was really enjoying this post - and then I got all choked up when I saw the last picture! I LOVE the sign that Hope is an amazing gift. Nobody who follows your blogs could have said it better. Hope really is AMAZING - and what a great gift from your friends above. :)

  5. Popped in to say "Merry Christmas to you and all your family". Thanks for sharing your thoughts through this year of serious lows and beautiful highs.


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