Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!...

Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
We hope that your holiday is filled with happiness and joy.  And we wish you a year of good health, personal joy and time to appreciate all the blessings in your life.  There are always blessings...even in your darkest hour.  Of this I know for sure.

This morning I found my joy by taking pictures of Brian and Hope in front of the tree...something I always enjoyed doing with Gavin and Brian.  My life is different...and in some ways it's devastatingly hard. But my purpose is to find the joy with my children that are here with me.  It's the only way to honor Gavin... and to show my appreciation for the gift of Hope.

Enjoy the photos!  I'll be back to share all about our Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning over the next couple days.
 Can you stand it????!!!!????

Remembering Gavin always...


  1. These pictures are beautiful. You warm my heart. I believe that Hope is going to have a mixture of Gavin, Darcy, and Brian in her looks. Have a very Merry Christmas!!!! Bonnie Sanders from Mississippi

  2. oh what joy these pictures bring me...what a precious family you have. Merry Christmas!

  3. Beautiful babies. Merry Christmas

  4. The very best Christmas pictures ever! You truly make beautiful children. It brings me such joy to see them. (Your tree looks pretty festive too.)

  5. Merry Christmas from Australia Kate. You are an inspiration! Brian and Hope are beautiful! God Bless you and your family and keep you all safe always.

  6. So cute! Merry Christmas to your family, thank you for sharing the Christmas card!

  7. A sparkle butt heart *and* polka dot bows? That much cuteness should be illegal. Merry Christmas, Leong family!

  8. Hope! You stayed awake for a whole photo shoot! Awesome job sweet little baby! :)

  9. Merry Christmas. Was at Target today, they had a Super hero ornament, where you can insert a picture, it said Our Superhero- 2013…made me think of your Gavin.

  10. I am IN LOVE with Hope! She is just so precious! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

  11. I love the one with Hope with her hand on Brian's chin...and the one that looks like she has Jazz hands... so much character!


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