Saturday, March 15, 2014

Looking Into the Eyes of Hope...

Our sweet Hope is 15 weeks today!!  And boy, has a lot changed since last week.
Actually - she seems to have changed overnight!
Last night she went to bed around 6:30... and didn't wake up to eat again until 4am!  That was the longest she's ever slept - ever.  Then, when I put her back to bed after that feeding... she didn't wake up again until 9:45 this morning.  
I figured something was up in that little body of hers that she needed so much rest.  And boy, was I right.  She woke up for the day a new baby!
Suddenly she seemed "older."
The best news?  She's LAUGHING now!!  And kicking!  And blowing bubbles!  And, well... I'll stop going on and let you just watch her in action.

For the last few days I've been obsessed with Hope's eyes.
She loves to look into your eyes... and when she does, she says so much.  Gavin was like that, too.
It was sometimes alarming.  Like he was communicating with his soul.  Which I'm sure he was.  I feel this way when I look into Hope's eyes.  Her beautiful blue eyes.  
I wonder if they will stay blue.  Gavin's eyes were blue until he was 4 1/2, when they looked like they were starting to change to shades of brown and hazel.

Gorgeous Brian? He was brown eyed from birth.  Lots of dark hair and big, brown eyes.
Brian and Hope continue to adore each other.  Hope follows every move he makes with her eyes... and her smile.  And it's Brian, still, that gets the biggest smiles and the laughs.  
Brian has a new love.
LEGOS!!!  I think he has his Daddy's engineering mind - he's so good at building!  But I also think he has my creative mind.  He has quite a unique imagination!  I love to watch him make things and then make up stories about them.  Or create buildings or towers out of blocks and then make a whole city around them.  He is so much fun.
There are days when I feel like I'm the UN-luckiest woman in the world.  But that's not often.  I could choose to focus on the bad things that have happened in my life... but I don't.  I won't.

And how could I?
I mean that.  How could I.  Every day I get to look into the eyes of hope.


  1. You know, so often Hope resembles Brian. But when she looks so serious, especially in that last picture, you can see so much of Gavin! It's so nice that you can see both of her brothers in her! She's just a beautiful little girl! Loved the video! She's so busy!! I see an doorway jumper in her future!! As for Brian and his Legos, my son just turned 6 and he received 6 different Lego sets. He is so incredibly good at them. I am really impressed with how much thought and planning must go into constructing these Lego buildings. I have never seen my son so focused, concentrated, and paying attention to small details. I am an educator, but I don't think I ever realized just how educational Legos can be! They are very good at teaching visual discrimination! Not to mention my son really enjoys playing with them! I was given this wonderful play mat for my son that has corners that zip up to create a bin for the Lego constructions he is working on. Saves those feet from stepping on itty bitty pieces! Enjoy your weekend! I loved seeing the adorable pictures of your "Chirish" babies!!

    Julie in Baltimore

  2. She is absolutely beautiful...just like her mama. No one deserves such a little sweetie more than you.

  3. She's gorgeous! And don't you just love it when they do that? That still happens to me.. my children, at 3 and 4 will just suddenly wake up like a different kid... their faces having changed, they're doing more complicated tasks. This is especially true when my 4 year old. When she goes off to visit family for a couple of days she always comes back knowing more, saying more, articulating more.

  4. She's catching upto her bunny! Also noticed that Brian's clothes switched from St. Patrick's Day to Halloween! :)

  5. She looks like Brian! Who, btw, looks adorable!

  6. Love that last line. what magic.Love fron South Carolina

  7. Kate - love that the tag is still on the sleeve of Hope's St. Paddy's Day shirt. Where's her stylist?! Photo shoots and adorable kids can't wait!


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