Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sickness and Healing...

You'd never know it, but little Miss Hope has her very first cold.

But there was another "first" that wasn't so little today!
Follow these photos to see what she did on her "16 Week Birthday!"  I caught this "first" with my camera -
She rolled over!!
"What?  I do this all the time?" she said so cooly.
She even performed for me again so I could catch it on video!

The two of us were up a lot during the night.  She was congested, so listening to her while she was laying down was brutal for me.  She spent much of the night on my chest so she could sleep upright.
Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to my children getting sick... or being around people that are sick.  It all goes back to when Gavin was two months old.
He had been home a month from the NICU and caught a cold.  The cold turned into RSV and he was hospitalized for three months.  I'm not sure I ever truly recovered from that experience.
Ever since, I have been a little bit... shall we say... a freak.  I was especially nervous around Gavin.  In my defense, it was for good reason.  Eight times out of ten when Gavin got sick - it turned into something serious. 
I'm sure Hope just has a little cold... and it will all be fine.  It will all be fine.  (It will all be fine... right?)
But it won't keep me from checking on her constantly.  I just can't help it.  And hey, there are worse hobbies, right?  ;-)
This week Hope has grown so much!  It's hard to believe that she's sixteen weeks.  Next week she'll hit FOUR MONTHS!!
She loves being on her belly and I love seeing how strong she is!!
We are coming up on the one year anniversary of Gavin's death on April 14th.
But it will also be the anniversary of the day we realized Hope existed.
And - after all these months - I still can't believe either.  There are days that Ed and I stare at each other and just can't believe our life.  
So many changes.  So much heartbreak.  So much joy.  So much pain...
And so much healing.
Gavin's life - and Hope's mere existence - prove that healing is always possible... every area of our lives.  

I'll never stop believing in that.


  1. What a true miracle. God Bless you and your family

  2. Hope is a beautiful baby girl!

  3. easy to get lost in her eyes! could eat her w/ a spoon...can't blame you for being hypersensitive- i'd be too...but glad you get to experience an ordinary reaction to a cold...many blessings mama!

  4. She is one BEAUTIFUL adorable baby girl! And she is SO concentrated over the turning over thing! :) I honestly don't know what I would do after all you've been through, Kate. I probably would be terrorizing docs constantly :) She is going to be OK~

  5. I think she is the cutest baby I've ever seen! And I have four very cute babies myself, but sorry guys... (don't tell them I said that, lol)

  6. She has the most soulful eyes! Even through a computer screen I can't help but be totally mesmerized by her! How do you get anything done? God bless you and your beautiful family !

  7. I love all the pictures. She really is quite beautiful. I especially like the ones beside the bunny, she used to be just beside now looks like she is having a conversation with it.

  8. I'm a worrywart when it comes to hard candies, when I was young I saw a cousin of mine choke on one, she's fine but that fear has stuck with me til this day. My children are 13 and 9 and I refuse to let them have anything like that around me! Lol it's crazy, people think im nuts, I say better safe than sorry! I guess we all have things that worry us and if we didn't worry about our kids then we probably wouldn't LOVE them with everythimg we have!

  9. And... What an awesome video of her rolling over! I love the look of will and determination on her face as she's trying to get her little body to do such as huge task all over again! Priceless! I bet she's going to love to see this when she's older!

  10. She is just a beautiful little girl, she has such an expressive face. She definitely belongs to you, it seems every time I see a pic of her I see someone diff. - Gavin, Brian, her Daddy, her Mommy! She is a wonderful combination!

  11. So cute! She is such a beauty! Mommy, it will be ok, Hope is your blessing, She will be a mighty woman of God, Be strong in the lord, never give up hope. She has come to do great things! Have a beautiful Sunday!

  12. Well, from here Hope doesn't look very ill with her cold. More than likely she'll be just fine in a few days. I can certainly understand your concern, and I'm sure I'd be the same in your situation. You have gorgeous children!! When I look at Hope I see her brothers, Sometimes more Gavin, sometimes more Brian. She is her own self, as we all are. Breathe mama, she looks just fine! Nights are always harder when the little ones are stuffy.

  13. Absolutely love the embroidered bloomers...yet another thing i missed out on having four boys. Beautiful girl!

  14. Just beautiful!!!!!! Glad she is all better!!


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