Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Choosing the Moments...

We're still trying to get back to normal here. Last night was another epic battle at bedtime, something I'm not accustomed to! Gavin wasn't too bad - but Brian...Brian was a mess. I let him stay up an hour later than usual as he took a very long afternoon nap. Gavin was in bed sleeping by 7:10 which left Brian and I to have dinner together. I took the opportunity to interview him. I'm pretty sure I'm the next Oprah - my interview is riveting and the stuff I was able to get him to admit? Let's just say he better not choose politics. Check it out:
After dinner we went to his room, read a book, snuggled and then I dropped him into his bed. Don't call CPS, he likes when I drop him - it's our "thing". I swear! I closed the door behind me and the crying started...and went on...and on. I walked downstairs, determined not to give in. It broke my heart - and I am not a "cry it out" Mommy - but I want him to get back to a normal schedule and normal isn't this! I walked over and peeked at the video monitor and saw this...
If you look closely, you can see he is resting his arms on the side of the crib. I stood there for two seconds (then add ten seconds to take this picture) looking at that sad face that sometimes planted itself on his arms in defeat I went. I spent the next 45 minutes or so consoling, snuggling with and calming my little boy. Sometimes schedules can force you to miss moments. In fairness, sometimes "moments" can cause you to miss an episode of Real Housewives (of anywhere) - but in the end I'll always choose the "moments".

Not surprising to me - both boys slept in today. Gavin was up after 9am and Brian was closer to 10!

After breakfast (or "brunch" if you're Brian!) we headed over to see Granny and Pop! Brian was very excited - he loves Granny and Pop's house, partly because he knows where Granny hides her pretzels! His first order of business was to find her and sign "please". As you can see - he really helped himself!
Gavin was happy, too, and loves seeing his Pop. He knows he will always get serenaded with songs that none of us have ever heard (and are pretty sure my Dad makes up). *wink* We went to visit to wish Pop a belated Happy Father's Day and give him a gift...and a smooch.
My Mom made a delicious lunch for us, which was so nice! I love my Mom so much...but that's no secret. And I love how she loves us.
I'm very lucky to have parents that are not just good people, but good friends.

Today was a good distraction for me. I'm not feeling very confident about being pregnant. As a matter of fact, I would be willing to bet that I'm not. At this point I just want to hurry up and know so I can be upset, make a plan and then move on.
Nothing's easy.

1 comment:

  1. Kate, I am not a "cry it out" kind of mom either.Now Jad will not sleep unless someone "sleeps" beside him. (and he is waaaay to big to stay zipped in a tent crib) and because I refuse to have Zaid follow different rules than his brother, he also requires someone to "sleep" beside him! You should be HERE at bedtime. I have to clone myself. Even tho it's tough ,Stick it out and get Brian back on schedule. The alternative is to get stuck in a situation where you can't really go back!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. loved the interview, brian def. does not have a poker face. The why are you up question wrote GUILT all over his face! He is adorable....can I have him? ; )


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