Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Swinging Into Summer...

What a busy, busy day. Insanely busy.

Right after breakfast, we headed to the Allergist with both boys. Gavin has been allergy tested twice, but never for seasonal allergies. Brian has never been tested. The office visit was a little bit stressful...we needed to keep both boys off their backs which is a little difficult for Gavin who loves to roll around. Miss Katja stayed with him as he watched a movie on his belly - but he was rather challenging at times to keep still.

Brian was a maniac, but entertained himself spinning, jumping, climbing on Mommy and opening and closing cabinets and doors. After about ten to fifteen minutes of torture - er, I mean blissful times with my children - the doctor came back in to read the results.

Brian: No allergies. He was tested for seasonal, eggs, dogs, peanuts...
and nothing showed up.
Gavin: Lots of allergies. Eggs, Birch Tree, Grass, Pollen...and a pretty significant Dog allergy that validated our difficult decision to give our dog away over a year ago.

We got home in time to feed the boys lunch and get ready for Miss Janna, Gavin's teacher. They
did a lot of fun activities today including "Spin Art"! She also brought a five minute timer and tried to make Gavin participate for that long on each activity.

Miss Maggie came for feeding therapy immediately after. Today she used a technique called "toweling" where she used a towel to massage his face with a different texture. He then
practiced crunching into fish
crackers and veggie straws. He did a pretty good job, although lately he has been very resistant to crunching.

The most exciting news today was the arrival of our new swingset!!! They were installing it for much of the afternoon. Here are some shots of the progress...and the end result!

This is the spot in our yard where we chose to place it - that is our neighbor's house in the background. We asked them over and over if they were okay with the spot, I swear!
It took them about three hours to install...
Voila! From both sides...
Ed wasted no time bringing the boys out to play!
Gavin did a great job on the swing - and keeping himself upright will be a wonderful strengthening exercise!!
Click below to see him in action!

Brian was in Heaven!
I think it's going to be a very fun summer!!


  1. That feeding therapy never ceases to amaze me. What an AWESOME swingset!

  2. I love how you can post pictures of what you are talking about right in with the words. Your swingset looks great too.

    Debbie S. in CT

  3. Boo about Gavin's allergies, yay that Brian is allery free. I love the swing set! A fun summer ahead indeed!


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