Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise...

This morning was a doozy. It went a little something like this:

I opened up Gavin's door this morning to discover he threw up in the middle of the night and nobody knew. Lovely. So off with his with his pj's...and then off with mine (collateral damage). Then I got Brian up...discovered he had wet through his diaper and pj's. So off with his sheets and off with his pj's. We came downstairs and I set Brian up with a big breakfast and a movie so I could bring Gavin up for a bath. I came downstairs after the bath and went to throw all the yucky stuff in the washer only to find that it was I opened the dryer and...full, too. So fold the dry, in with the wet, in with the yucky...phew. Then into the kitchen to make Gavin his breakfast. As soon as I sit down to start feeding him, Brian starts signing "done" and wants to get cleaned up. Clean him up...brush his teeth...Gavin gags...clean that up...what a morning. It was not boring, that's for sure!! They picked a bad day to work Mommy over. After weeding a lot yesterday I woke up with painful, painful joints. *sigh*

After lunch we ran a few errands which included a huge hot fudge sundae for ME. Hey, after that morning it was necessary.

When we got home, I spent a little time with Brian outside. We decided to go hunting for flags and signs in the neighborhood which delighted him to no end. He pointed to every letter on the STOP every number on a every flag everywhere.

We snuck onto a neighbor's property (thanks, Michele and Chris!) to play on their swingset. Brian found all of their stray balls and lined them up nicely. It was the least we could do for trespassing.

In a move that will surely win me a Mommy of the year award, I allowed Brian to run down our street ahead of me just for a photo-op. You can't deny how cute the photos are...even though I know I'll pay for it next time we go outside.

Back inside, I did a little exploring with Gavin who lately has been investigating the corners of every room. Today he was loving the laundry room. Hmph. Couldn't he have been interested this morning? I could have taught him how to wash and fold all those loads!! He chose to daydream instead.
Can't say I blame him...

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's about time you got yourself a blog! HA! We all need to see a lot more photos of those gorgeous boys. This looks fantastic! I am sorry for the messy morning, and glad you treated yourself to a sundae.

    Happy Blog-Day To You!


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