Friday, July 1, 2011

Hotel Party!...

Ed and I and the boys headed to the beach shortly after lunch today. My family won't be down until tomorrow...and they can't get into their rental house until two. We decided to beat some of the traffic and maximize our holiday weekend by coming down early! I was pretty psyched with my car packing skills. Inside this jam packed mini van is two suitcases, clothes for both boys a pack and play, a full size crib and mattress, a high chair, a Bugaboo stoller, an umbrella stroller, my new double stroller, a cooler, tons of towels, sheets and blankets and three big toys. How about that?!?
We had a bit of a late start as I was longer than I wanted to be at the Fertility doctor this morning. The good news is - I don't have to come back home early. We can stay through the 4th of July and I can go back for another ultrasound on Tuesday!! Yippeee!

We are staying in Atlantic City at the Borgata hotel. This is the first time we're staying in a hotel with the boys. I was scared...but they've been really good so far! When we got here and checked into the room, I promptly was sent off for a massage and I did not complain about it one bit. When I came back to the room, Ed had everything all set up and the boys were happily playing. Nicely done, Daddy.

We all had dinner at the Buffet which was very exciting for both the boys. Gavin for the people watching...and Brian for all the different foods (and desserts!) in front of him.
I had a bit of a crisis with Gavin's meal. We brought all of his purees from home for the weekend. I spooned out a meal up in the room and brought it down to the restaurant, assuming they would have a microwave. Nope. Apparently, not a single one in the entire hotel. I was screwed. My first thought was - OMG, we have to go home. My second thought was - maybe I can immerse the bowl in hot water to see if I can warm the food inside. Tried that for about two minutes when I finally had my Mommy breakthrough. I went to the buffet and got a big bowl of chicken noodle soup. I spooned out only broth and mixed it in with his puree. Voila! Hot food - and he loved the new flavor! Whew. That was a close one. The other crisis was Brian dropping an entire bowl of ice cream down his pants...but really, who hasn't done that on a Friday night?

After dinner we drove over to the Atlantic City boardwalk and strolled around the Steel Pier, somewhere we've never been!
Gavin was mesmerized by all the flashing lights everywhere...and Brian spotted every flag over a two mile radius. But they both noticed the rides and were definitely sizing them up.
Brian went on the boat ride and had a great time!
And then Gavin and I took a spin on the Merry Go Round...
Check out his great posture!!
Ed even had some fun, trying his hand at cross bow something or other... I stood to the side praying that he would NOT win me one of those HUGE stuffed animals.

Then Brian had the thrill of his life. Not only did he ride on this cool motorcycle...
But he got to drive with a cute chick on the back!! He kept turning around looking at her and laughing his head off.
We got back to the room rather late. Ed and I got the boys to sleep and he went off to play in the casino. They are snoring beside me as I type this! Tomorrow morning we plan to go to the pools here to go swimming before we head over to Ocean City to meet up with my family.

We survived our first hotel experience. Score one for us!!

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