Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mommy Mojo...

Today has been a very productive day in the Leong house. Something came over me - something that lit a fire under my rhymes with gas. After the boys went down for afternoon naps, I headed to the basement. Or, as it is also called - the place where we just throw stuff. Lots of stuff. It's gotten out of control.

I weeded through boxes. No, I won't be hot glue gunning any fabric flowers. No, I won't ever use that wallpaper steamer (probably because we don't HAVE any wallpaper to steam). No, I won't need the fifty thousand scented candles that we never burn because it causes Gavin's eczema to flare. While I was boxing things and trashing things left and right, Ed was upstairs tackling our kitchen pantry. It was shameful how many expired items were buried in the back. Our garbage men will be getting a workout come Monday morning. I also decided today to have a big yard sale next Saturday. Ambitious for sure...but I'm up for the challenge. Everything must go...and if it doesn't sell, it's going to Goodwill.

Today I felt a little bit like the old me. The old me was pretty on top of things. I was always working on a project, reading a book, having two yard sales a year, cranking out birthday videos for the boys. I must have fallen into a funk - the last year has been a lazy one for me. I just haven't cared to be honest.

Yesterday while I was at the funeral, Gavin had his Occupational Therapy with Miss Stephanie. She worked with him on trying to feed himself - a HUGE goal of mine. She wrote to me later to tell me how impressed she was with his tolerance. She had her hand over his to guide the spoon and be barely fought her. This is pretty big for Gavin! The yogurt he's eating in the photo is a new favorite - Greek yogurt. It comes in all flavors and brands. I discovered that Greek yogurt is a lot thicker than the other yogurts I've bought. Those yogurts would just fall out of his mouth. I bought it as an experiment - and for once, it worked! My other experiments - Kefir and Coconut milk were flops.

Brian's therapy has been going well - and he's been trying to communicate a lot more. He's calling me "Mom" a lot, which is awesome!! And he's been asking for his "toothbruth". I hope the dentist will notice this Monday just how much he likes to USE that "toothbruth".

Tonight, after baths, dinner and bedtime stories, I actually cooked dinner. I was on a roll today!! I cooked yellow rice - and then placed it in a strip on some tinfoil. I put a two pound piece of salmon on top of the rice and smothered the top with Orange marmalade. I closed the tinfoil loosely around the fish and baked it for 25 minutes. It was awesome. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not bragging by telling you how great it was. People who know me will know that I am utterly and totally amazed that it was edible. Ed is still in shock.

Mommy's getting her mojo back! Things...dare I say...are looking up.

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