Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It Won't Change Anything In Our Eyes...

Gavin and I spent time in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber this morning. He is such a good boy in there - I say that all the time. This therapy is so easy. It's something that doesn't hurt him, he seems to enjoy...and it's a nice break for the person in there with him. I spent the hour trying to catch up on returning emails. I think I'll need three days to get totally caught up on that, though.
I also spent a little time googling genetic disorders...a somewhat twisted hobby of mine. We had a 1pm appointment with Gavin's geneticist and I like to go armed with "Could he have this...or this?" suggestions.

We all headed to the hospital after lunch. I brought Katja along because Dr. Gripp is also from Germany. And I wanted Brian to go so she could see how big he has gotten. It was so nice to see Dr. Gripp. We have known her since Gavin's days as an inpatient when he was just a few months old.
We spent some time catching up and then she examined him. She really thought Gavin looked great and was so impressed with his improved tone. Dr. Gripp always takes photos of him so she can keep a history of any changes in his features.
Gavin's last full round of testing was in 2007. There have been improvements in genetic testing since then so I asked for another work up. There were a few possibilities as far as genetic disorders that the test may show. Or it could show nothing. Dr. Gripp said that Genetics is making huge progress in testing. We may find out something in the years to come. It would be "nice" to know an exact diagnosis...but we don't care that much. It won't change anything in our eyes.
Or our hearts.

So off we went to the Lab for Gavin's blood test. I walked there feeling nervous. Gavin is a notoriously hard stick - just like me. When we got to the lab we found out there was at least a half hour wait.
Miss Katja, Brian, Gavin and I headed to the gift shop. Gavin entertained me - and those passing by - with his contortionist skills.
And Brian entertained himself with his new school bus from one of the nicest hospital gift shops I've ever been to. I rarely leave that hospital without buying something for the boys - or me! Gavin was not left out - he got a cute squawking Toucan.
Finally they called Gavin's name and I went in with my heart in my throat. He laid down on my lap and I held his favorite movie above him. But he didn't watch the movie.
Gavin watched as Kitsia ("like Pizza", she told us) stuck him and took his blood. He didn't flinch...he didn't cry. Once again proving that I should never underestimate a superhero. He surprises us all the time.

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