Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Beautiful Distraction...

So, just a thought...but if you missed yesterday's post you might want to read that first. Click here to get there. If you don't, some of what I say next may not make sense. Like, "I'm pregnant." See? I told you! It's so crazy it doesn't seem to make sense! We were on the verge of IVF and - boom, we got pregnant on our own. (Full disclosure: there was no "boom," really) It's still pretty hard to believe, but it's true. And based on the five (okay seven) pregnancy tests I took today with lines that got darker and darker - it's getting more "real."

But, as I mentioned yesterday...I'm nervous. I just want everything to go well and, quite frankly, I want to end up with a baby. A baby that I can bring home. So any prayers that you want to throw our way - I won't stop you. And any positive thoughts you want to share - I'll take them too. Tomorrow morning I go for a repeat blood test and I'll be holding my breath until the afternoon when they'll call with the results. We're looking for my beta level to double at the very least. Anything over 16 will be comforting.

Luckily, I was very distracted today by the consignment sale! It helped me take my mind off my nerves. Because of the amount of volunteer work I put in, I am one of the first to shop. Last night I took a walk through the entire floor - taking cell phone pictures of the items I was interested in. Then I came home and googled each toy to see if I really wanted it for the boys. And I made sure the price they were asking was fair. I made a final, prioritized list of the things I wanted and brought that with me this morning - like a road map. I was pumped and ready to shop - first in line.

I quickly made my way to the cars and trucks section where I scored the GeoTrax Timbertown Railway for - wait for it - FIVE DOLLARS. Here is Gavin's stunt double with a demonstration:
I know what you're thinking - don't you already have a train set? Yes. I'm weird. This one is remote control. And I have a dream of an addition off the playroom to fit more toys. Any more questions?

Some of the other things I got were a cool Tonka "Bounce Back Racer" Remote Control Car. Click HERE to see Brian and my stunt doubles demonstrating how this awesome car works. I also got a Megabloks play table for only SIX dollars. Brian needs a place to build towers, one of his favorite pastimes lately.
There were several other cool toys I got (including Buzz Lightyear binoculars that, with a flip of a switch, turns into a viewmaster!) but I need to keep some surprises for Christmas. If the toys last that long. I'm not a patient person.

Then there were clothes...and matching snow coordinating Halloween costumes that I just can not WAIT to reveal. I'm pretty sure I can wait. Maybe. We'll see. October 31 is a long time away!! was definitely a great distraction. Now this Mommy needs to go to bed. One obvious sign that there's a life in my belly? Extreme exhaustion. I'll take it with no complaints, thank you very much.

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