Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Too Good To Be True?...

Today's post is going to be rather selfish. I could write about how great Brian did in Speech therapy, but I'm not. I could also write about how Gavin shocked us by chewing solid food in feeding therapy and later in the day...but I won't. I could also write about dropping off my sale items to the consignment sale that starts tomorrow...but really - who cares.

This post is completely devoted to my shameless solicitation of your prayers and positive thoughts...for me.

As you know, because I've written about our struggles with infertility, this month was our last ditch effort to conceive naturally. Just us. No needles - no medical intervention. The old fashioned way. Yesterday I could tell that it was over - I knew that any day I would be starting a new cycle and heading into the world of In-Vitro Fertilization. I was pretty bummed.

I was also very wrong.

I am pregnant.

Yep - pregnant. I got a faint positive this morning on an home test. Why on EARTH am I sharing this early? When, let's face it, the test is likely still wet?? Because I promised I'd take you along on this journey - every bit of it. And after hearing my blood test confirmation and getting the numbers - I need you for your prayers and support.

So in the pregnancy world, anything over a number 5 beta level is considered pregnant. My number is 8. This could mean nothing except that it's very early and when I go back on Thursday they will tell me that the number has doubled...or quadrupled...or quintupled. That's my hope and prayer. It could also mean that this is not a viable pregnancy. I've been there before - and I don't really care to go back there again.

So we're very happy. We can't believe it. But I am cautiously optimistic. And I feel desperate for all the prayers that anyone can spare for this baby. It seems so perfect - getting pregnant on our own at the 11th hour before IVF...and then finding out I'd be due in May which, as you know, is a very special and meaningful month for me. I need this to work out.

Please help me pray this baby born!


  1. Oh, Kate! What a joy! This takes me back almost eight years when I found out that I - at 42 and with only one intermittently functioning tube - had got pregnant with our daughter. And thought the test was malfunctioning ... the oldfashioned way was not supposed to work in our case :)
    Am sending over all the vibes I collected back then and adding some new ones, too. Only 9 1/2 months to go, now.

  2. oh Kate~ to say that I will be praying is definitely an understatement~ I hope you can feel all the love and support from all of your readers (aka-biggest fans) I know this is what you want more than anything so that makes us all want it so much FOR you! Blessings and prayers rain down all around you...
    Love and prayers

  3. Congratulations! Sending positive thoughts and wishes to you and your family :)

  4. I wish you lots of luck as your pregnancy progresses! We're sending happy thoughts and prayers your way!

  5. Oh my!!! Most definitely sending prayers and happy thoughts from this side of the Delaware. :)


  6. You don't know me, but I recently found your blog when I was doing research on special needs children. My daughter has a genetic disorder. I love your blog! Thank you for being transparent in all your posts! I will be praying for you. Congratulations, God is amazing!

  7. Awesome news Kate! I JUST KNEW IT!!!!! I told you this was your last summer with just two boys! I hate to tell you I told you so! ; ) All kidding aside, my thoughts, prayers, wishes and hopes are with you on this one.
    I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this to be from me, Heather......I'm so un-knowledgeable!

  8. You have my undivided prayers. I will send positive thoughts and only believe that this will turn out to have a wonderful, happy ending. We need to believe that this is the one...and I do!

  9. Sending prayers your way...

  10. I pray that today's news ends all your fertility dramas and anxietys. I pray God holds you and your new baby closest to his heart and shields u from any harm. I pray for your happiness and tranquility. I look forward to your journey! We love you!

  11. Hi dear Kate and Ed,
    Sending you BOTH warm and happy congratulations, and most importantly: A hearful of prayers that will ascend for this precious baby - newly conceived - everyday for the next 9 months!
    I BELIEVE this is your moment dear Kate!
    My love,

  12. I am incredibly excited for you and praying, praying, praying!!!
    Much love,

  13. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way, Kate!

  14. Congrats! I am praying for this little one to make it all the way!

  15. Congratulations....love your blog and sending prayers and happy thoughts your way.

  16. Yeah! Always sending Prayers and Positive thoughts your way! Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations - our thoughts and prayers are with you and your baby.

    - Geoff, Elayne, Ali, Drew, and Lucy

  18. Kate,

    I am so happy for you and Ed! We're just starting to do the TTC round again to try to have a brother or sister since Marianna (Nick, and of course me) wants one so badly. I'm praying that this is a sticky one for you!!!

    Tammy, Nick and Marianna

  19. I'm reading this LATE...and also backwards as I started with today and then traveled through the harsh situation of the "Anonymous" commenter who, by the way, you completely put in "it's" place with such precision! I'm proud of you for that and glad that you didn't ignore their ignorance! I'll pray for that person - it seems they REALLY need it! Although, prayers aren't enough for "all that!"

    Now, on to the biggy, the IMPORTANT part of my message to you: CONGRATULATIONS...raising the right kind of prayers and holding onto HOPE for The Leong's surounded with MUCH LOVE! You have our promise of our Family Prayer daily...for each and every one of you! <3

    The Postek Crew (xo)

  20. Kate: I am very excited for you. I am praying this baby stays right there in that precious womb of yours and grows and grows and grows. You know you always are in my personal prayers! :)


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