Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Little More Than Double...

This morning I had to make two quick trips which made me grateful to have help here at the house. The first was a ten minute ride to the fertility clinic for my repeat blood test. I'll speed ahead to the results for those who are waiting (thank you for all your sweet notes while I was waiting all day!). After the nurse, who I've known for years, took my blood - she felt obligated to be "practical with me". She didn't think this pregnancy was going to go anywhere. I was a little pissed - but I think she was just trying to protect me. She called me about ten minutes ago with the results. My beta number went from 8 two days ago to 19 today. A little more than double. I'll take it! I go back for another blood test on Monday morning. It was a definite relief.

I came home and did some work with Gavin on the stairs - trying to teach him to crawl down backwards. He did a great job!! Brian was a sweet motivator - sitting at the top of the stairs with his arms he was saying, "Come to me, Gavin!" Then we had lunch (where Gavin had a tiny piece of sandwich!!!) before I ran out again. This time to my Dr. Trish appointment. I'm back to seeing her - but I can really only fit her in once a week this time around. I stopped going during Gavin's traumatic eye injury - which was a long six months. I find when I see her regularly, my arthritis calms down significantly.

When I got home, I brought Brian up for a story and his nap. It was almost time for Gavin's therapy, but before Miss Janna got here Gavin had some time chilling out in the vibrating mush lounger with his beloved toothbrush. I never tire of seeing him hold that toothbrush in his mouth - it's a miracle to me.

When I told him that Miss Janna would be here soon, he started looking toward the door. He sure loves her!! When she walked in, he smiled from ear to ear.

During his session, Janna asked Gavin to push little "cookies" into a cookie jar through a slot. He did it with her hand over his helping a little a few times...

But then he started picking the cookies out and putting them on the table - surprising us all!

Miss Janna went with it! Who wants to discourage fine motor skills like that, right?

Miss Maggie came immediately after for speech therapy. We couldn't wait to show her how good Gavin is getting with his iPad...and he did not disappoint. It was set up for him to touch the screen with a picture of his electric toothbrush...and when he does, he gets it. Maggie was ready with a pen and paper - taking notes. She had one column that marked down the number of times he touched the screen in five seconds or less...and the other column was for the times it took him over five seconds.

Let's just say - her "over five second" column looked rather lonely. Yay, Gavin!!!
Last night I went to bed pretty early. I have been hit with a big case of exhaustion lately. But I got up to use the bathroom around 2am and decided to quick check my mail. I'm sorry I did. In my inbox I found a very mean, very judgemental, very nasty comment from a reader. I decided to delete the comment, something I never do. I don't like to censor people - but this was pretty ridiculous. I have closed my blog to comments because, quite honestly, I'm getting tired (and hurt) by the mean people who seem to think they know me enough to judge me. I was never able to go back to sleep. My greatest regret is not deleting the comment - but spending as much time as I did dissecting it, crying over it, lying awake wondering who it was - why they wrote it. I'm planning on responding to it here later this evening after the kids are in bed. Why? Well, this commenter chose to hide behind "Anonymity" so I can't reply to their blog or their email. This doesn't happen very often - but I am ANGRY. And I need to get this off my chest. I'm going to try to take the high road, but I'm not going to lie - it might be hard in this case.

Stay tuned...

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