Monday, September 19, 2011

Wishful Thinking...

Ed and I are sad to tell you that this pregnancy was not meant to be. My numbers went down instead of up - which is an indication of a very early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy. I should be dealing with that any day now...just in time for what would have been Darcy's first birthday on Wednesday. Yippee.

We are crushed. Or as Ed said, "deflated." We have no regrets for all the hoping and positive thinking and praying and believing we did. Not for a second. And I don't regret sharing it early - I couldn't imagine hiding this as I write here every day.

In other (not so) wonderful news...Friday is Miss Anna's last day with us and Gavin, who I suspected was having a fight with his allergies today, seems to have come down with a cold. The poor child can barely breathe. It's likely that this week will be free of therapy...and obviously free of fertility visits for me.

Thank you for all of your support. Onward and upward, I guess, right?


  1. oh no, Kate I was so hopeful for you. I'm so sorry. I hope Gavin feels better soon!

  2. Oh Kate, my heart aches for you. I was praying that this was meant to be :( I know it's hard, but try and remember that God has a plan for us all and it's not ours to know. Big hugs!

  3. Praying Kate that the next step is the one that leads to your dream.

  4. I'm very sorry to hear this. I hope Gavin feels better soon, too.

  5. Journey on, Kate. The prayers will continue.

  6. So sorry. Big hugs to all of you!

  7. Kate, I have only been following your blog for one week, and already I feel a kinship to you. I was really praying that this would work out. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Love, Michelle

  8. Oh Kate..sending you Prayers and Positive thoughts, I am so sorry. One day at a time.

  9. Sorry to hear this news. I was really hoping it would go well. Praying for you. Hope Gavin feels better soon. Try a humidifier in his room and maybe some children's benadryl to help clear some stuff up.

  10. Damn....I was so in on this Kate. Prayers to all. Speedy recovery to Gavin, and love to all.

  11. There are no words...some days just suck...

  12. Sending lots of prayers and hugs! We don't have to understand God, we just have to trust him. Keep trusting and believing that you will have a new addition soon! I know I am!

    -Laura G


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