Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day...

Welcome, Miss Anna!!

Today was Anna's first day with us. I interviewed her about a month ago and knew from our first meeting that she'd fit in perfectly. She has a sense of humor - a must around here - a sweet and patient demeanor - also a must - and she doesn't scare easily. I learned that pretty quickly after having a few major screw-ups and making a dazzling first impression. The worst one was thinking that today was Monday and not Tuesday. Monday means therapy at 1...so I thought we'd have time to go out for an hour. Unfortunately it was Tuesday - which means therapy at 11. I came home feeling so "together" only to press play on the answering machine and hear poor Miss Jen's voice saying, "Hi Kate - I'm in your driveway. I hope you're okay! I knocked on every door and window and thought about calling the police..." Okay, I made up that last part, but it could have been true based on how horrified I felt!! Brian missed his speech therapy. *sigh* Anna took it all in stride...but I'll let you know if she shows up tomorrow. *wink*

The boys had a fun time playing with Anna today! Brian was pulling her here and there all day...playing trains, jumping in the Jump-o-Lene, playing "farm", reading books, coloring and doing puzzles. And Gavin was able to show off his skills in his walker, climbing up the stairs, doing some spin art and having a great feeding therapy session with Miss Maggie.

The first week or so is an adjustment for everyone when there's someone new....but I think I made an excellent choice. So here are five interesting things about Anna so YOU can get to know her, too!

She is the youngest of eight children and has SIX brothers!
Her Mother, who is likely a candidate for Sainthood, home-schooled all of them until they were ready to leave for college. I HAVE to meet this woman.
Anna is currently in school at night and online studying to be a dental hygienist!
She loves classical music and will often hop the train into Philadelphia to see if she can score last minute tickets to see the orchestra. And her boyfriend is a trained opera singer!
With six brothers, it's not a big surprise that she knows a lot about cars. She recently - oh my, I don't even recall what she said because I had no clue what she was talking about. I think it was something like "I replaced my car's exhaust by myself." Whatever it was - it was impressive! She loved cars so much that at one point she aspired to be a NASCAR driver!

I look forward to getting to know Anna more as the days go by. As you likely know already, we tend to get attached to people around here.

So welcome to Anna! We're happy to have you here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you have a brand new helper! She sounds like a wonderful addition to your family and I look forward to hearing more about her and meeting her! :) AND--Kate, I am soooooooo happy you get to have help each day!


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